Nolan and Bale support the inevitable Batman reboot
While fans may be gnashing their teeth already at the thought of Batman getting rebooted again, the studio has at least two supporters for the idea. Despite his insistence that he wants nothing to do with any continuation of the franchise or universe, Christopher Nolan bears no ill will at the plan to do so; in fact, he supports it. “When I first met with Paul Levitz of DC Comics prior to Batman Begins, he explained to me clearly that Batman, of all superheroes, has thrived on reinterpretation and almost is strengthened by it,” the Dark Knight Rises director tells Empire. “So when the time is right, whenever someone does whatever the next iteration of the character is, they simply need to be true…to whatever it is they want to see, to what they believe in, not worry too much about what everyone else is telling them it should be.” The director is not the only major player to support the reboot plan – the actor who plays the titular character is on board as well. “I’m very intrigued to see another interpretation of it at this point,” Christian Bale tells MTV News. “It would be very interesting to see what someone else does with the character. I’d be the first one there to watch.” The fan-boys better put their pitchforks away – this reboot is filmmaker-approved.